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The Winter Weather Lip Guide

The Winter Weather Lip Guide
Writer and expert9 years ago
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It’s cold, it’s windy and our lips aren’t happy! Here's the winter weather lip guide you need to read.

  • Our winter weather lip guide ensures perfect lips in the lead up to Valentine's Day!

  • Fun fact: Our lips have only 6 layers of skin, compared to 16 on the rest of the body!

    Bonus fun fact: our lips have no sweat glands and can’t keep themselves moist, hence their tendency to dry out.

Keep Balm & Carry On

What was the first beauty product you ever owned? We’re staking everything we have* it was lip balm. Lip balm is almost lipstick and there isn’t a school rule in sight that says you can’t apply it vigorously during double maths. But then you discovered lipstick and lip balm seemed a bit meh. The good news is lip balm has grown up (hooray!) and is now a must in your beauty capsule kit.

There are basically 2 kinds of lip balm: 

1. The twisty, tube kind that goes on before you head out / when you leave the gym / when your lips crack and hurt because you forgot... These are your go-to products when you have poorly, chapped lips or if you’re out in bad weather to prevent damage. We rather like these ones

The Winter Weather Lip GuideThe Winter Weather Lip Guide

2. The almost-lipstick kind that add colour while also moisturising and defending the skin. With ingredients such as Shea Butter or 8 Hour Cream, these are great multi-tasking lip treatments that hide the fact your lips aren’t on point, and repair and defend against damage. Here are some favourites of ours although an honourable mention is deserved for Clinique’s Chubby Sticks:

We aren’t finished - there’s something else to consider: exfoliation. Lips genuinely do need exfoliating to keep them soft and smooth, but those 6 little layers need something gentle so put down that peach pumice scrub. Professional treatments include this lovely multi-tasker from Clinique, all about lips that not only exfoliates but also softens, primes and heals.

For those on a super-tight budget we recommend a simple at-home weekly lip treatment as follows:

  • Mix half a teaspoon of fine caster sugar with a few drops of jojoba, olive or coconut oil

  • Apply to the lips and using gentle motion exfoliate away any loose flakes

  • You can also use an old toothbrush with softened bristles instead of sugar, a good solution if you’re traveling.

Lip balms and lip treatments are available from, with free UK delivery available using the Royal Mail 48hr Tracked service. 

*not really, besides you probably have clutter of your own without owning ours as well.

Writer and expert
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